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Michael Phelps Admits to Marijuana Use, Truly Is An Online Poker Player

Michael Phelps making Cyprus Hill proud. Credit: News of the World

Poker player/Olympian Michael Phelps' mission to sabotage a surefire $100M+ in endorsements is almost complete.

After admitting to being a big online poker player (no big deal, but still, you wouldn't see Tiger Woods revealing that one), then dating what could best be described as a "dime-a-dozen" (albeit legit hot) Las Vegas cocktail waitress/semi-nude tramp stamped model, it's now come out that he doesn't mind blazing up every now and then too.

Wow, he really is an online poker player. Fits right in.

On Sunday, a British tabloid called News of the World, published a photo (seen above) in which Phelps is hitting a bong.

Says Phelps in a statement released by his management agency (who wishes he'd just stay home for a few months and get a frigin' Netflix account already):

"I engaged in behavior which was regrettable and demonstrated bad judgment...I'm 23 years old, and despite the successes I have had in the pool, I acted in a youthful and inappropriate way, not in a manner that people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public -- it will not happen again."

Listen, we don't want to be too hard on the guy. We did things yesterday at 23 that would've made Mötley Crüe in the mid-80's look like pussies. But when we see someone who came from the same upper-middle-class-suburban streets like us as Phelps did, we want to see them make it. Because when he makes it, we all make it.

Read the full story here. Read Phelps' full apology here.

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[ ] knows how to spell.


sriously though... with lung capasity like that, who the hell wants phelps' back door. he's a fucking one hitter quitter! that shit would be cashed so quick.

on a side note, he even hits the bong like champion.


I definitely respect him more now. Clearly pot should be legal any day now.


A 23 year-old that smokes weed? Isn't that required?


He may have just put pot back on the national map! Someone needs to get in touch with high times magazine and see if they would endorse him as the spokesman for legalizing marijuana! Everything he does turns to gold!

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