Suze Orman Wants You to Play The 2009 WSOP Main Event
If Suze Orman approves of some guy to play in the 2009 WSOP Main Event, then we'll go ahead and approve these pictures of Canadian model Sarah Mutch. Good times all around.
We've never actually watched Suze Orman outside of the skits SNL does on her, but we kind of get the gist: she's a middle-aged lesbian who tells you to save your money all of the time and doesn't "approve" of any wasteful spending. So with the way The EconomyTM is these days, we get why she's so popular.
Given the above, apparently it was a big shock then that she actually "approved" a caller's request to her show, some 43 year-old named Ray, to play in the 2009 WSOP Main Event.
Given the way Ray laid out his finances though, sounds like he's got money to burn. He should consider backing some people too (see: Chops, Wicked) with that much coin sitting around, doing nothing.
Seriously though, Ray, whoever the f' you are, if you happen across this post, shoot us an email and we'll keep tabs on you come July.
View Suze Orman approving Ray to play in the 2009 WSOP here.