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UltimateBet Hijacks UFC Sponsorship from Full Tilt Poker

The UFC appears to be turning its back on Full Tilt Poker.

For the MMA fans out there: if you follow the UFC, you've probably noticed Full Tilt Poker logos and patches increasingly taking over the octagon.

Looks like that's coming to an end, at least for a little while.

The UFC today informed some of its business associates (and fighter managers) that Full Tilt Poker is banned from appearing on fighter's trunks, corners, or in the octagon itself.

With the amount of money FTP was dumping into the UFC, some other company had to be taking its place, right? The UFC had to get some sort of a better offer, you'd think.

And where did it come from?


Wow. Really? No. Seriously?




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Yeah Dana White is a cunt and he'll clearly favour large amounts of cash over, well, pretty much anything.

And god damn those asses are appetizing.


Wow, I'm shocked. This might be one of the worst business decisions that they made... ever. Then again, who knows how much $$$$ UB/AB threw at them. Sometimes, it's hard to say no to a suitcase full of cash.

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