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Hot Girls Pillow Fighting Brings You Today's Not Necessarily Just Poker News


Apparently this weekend there was an International Pillow Fighting Day (awesome idea, whoever made that one up). So in honor, view pics of hot girls pillow fighting here and watch the below vid for more...

:: Big story the past few days is Nolan Dalla's excellent two part interview with Amarillo Slim. The poker legend makes a compelling case for his innocence against child molestation charges and explains why he plea bargained. Maybe that feature film about him (Nic Cage was once attached) will get kicking again. [link & link]

:: Heard about this but just got around to reading it (thanks Pauly); Jay Newnum writes about twitter's impact on poker. [link]

:: The 10 Hottest Stripper Mugshots. [link]

:: For some reason, people care that Johnny Chan thinks Stu Ungar would beat Phil Ivey heads-up at no limit hold'em. [link]

:: Whatever you do, DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK. [link]

:: Looks like the Big Game is rolling again in Bobby's Room (but with lower limits...damn you, The EconomyTM). [link]

:: Tom "durrrr" Dwan and Patrik Antonius killed it on Full Tilt last month and are neck-and-neck in their heads-up challenge match. [link]

:: Finally, Borat was funny but a bit overrated. Hopefully Bruno is funny and sufficiently rated. [link]

Watch Vegas Pin-Ups Pillowfight Ep. 2 on RawVegas.tv

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