Lacey Jones' Dirty Thirty
Happy birthday to FOWCP and the hottest girl in poker Lacey Jones.
Along with being a great girl, Lacey is defying genearlly accepted common logic. See, most girls peak around 19 and steadily deteriorate from there into almost untouchable "things" by the time they hit 32ish. However, occassionally you get these freaks of nature like Lacey who looks better at 30 than she did when we first met her four years ago and whatever 30-4 equals.
she is awesome! gotta love lacey!
Posted by: ryan | December 13, 2010 at 01:11 AM
20 year olds are, how shall we put this, inexperienced. It's not all about looks. I imagine Lacey to be superb. Please tell me if I'm correct.
Posted by: shamrockbaby | April 24, 2009 at 06:16 PM
Well put Entities, well put indeed.
In semi-related but not really not related in any way news, I just had MY dirty 30 and celebrated by getting sufficiently dirty at a strip club and playing poker. Wish I had Miss Jones in my game! I also wish I had Tony in my game, too, so I could ash my cigar is his hair.
Posted by: Johnny | April 24, 2009 at 11:19 AM
Hey Tony, noticed some flaming lately. First check this out:
Next, Lacey was voted hottest girl in poker in a landslide by our readers. Definitely deserves it.
You can rip us all you want, could care less. But seriously, Lacey is hot man. Very cool girl too. We know The Economy(TM) is in the tank and it's tough times out there, but there's gotta be a better way to direct this weird anger of yours.
Posted by: The Entities | April 23, 2009 at 05:49 PM
"Hottest Girl in Poker" that has never won anything. What an Epic Fail. No one will know who this wannabe is 2 years from now. Quit while you can "WickedChopsFailurePoker." Just please stop.
Posted by: Tony | April 23, 2009 at 05:30 PM