The Tao of Steve (Lipscomb)
Twitter is a phenomom on par with Beatlemania, Fernandomania, Pac Man Fever, the Summer of the Shark, and idiots in 1994 who claimed that Killing Zoe was their favorite Tarantino movie. Yep, twitter pretty much dominates conversation right now.
While 1/3 of the Entities despises twitter about as much as Joan Rivers hates Annie Duke, the other 2/3's are all over it, and are particularly keen on WPT head honcho Steve Lipscomb's tweets.
Call them little nuggets of wisdom or moments of bliss. Call them whatever you want. Just count us as fans. Here are some of our favorites:
"God love southwest airlines. Sat next to flav o' flave on the way to vegas, doubt my return will be quite so colorful ... Coaxed him to get on the plane mic"
"do you think someone will string all these twits together someday and make the monkey could write shakespeare argument?"
"Asking myself why the native americans didn't win -- they were right about the curse of owning things . . ."
"Tired of "What are you doing?" How about "Who are you doing?" Twitter could still be the name of the site . . . with feeling . . ."
"Okay, I think we should limit meetings to 140 characters each . . . . any objections (keep them brief please . . .)"
"Who are the fucktards that keep voting for Danny Gokey? That guy sings like a grizzly bear. Rather sit next 2 Phil Laak on an international flight than listen to Gokey sing for 90 secs..."*
Enjoy more here.
* Possibly made that last one up.
eff Twitter... check this:
Posted by: Kid Dynamite | April 28, 2009 at 07:34 PM
I, too, am a fan of Steve's Tweets (that sounds odd, right). Anyway, I've been a member of TwitterNation for less than a week now. My updates are still pretty cut and dry, but my colleague's style and near-poetry is an inspiration!
Tweet on, Steve! Tweet on!
The Commish
Posted by: Jeffrey Pollack | April 27, 2009 at 10:00 PM