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Poker News Made Better With Alanna Kolette

We're not necessarily in love with 21-year-old model Alanna Kolette. We save that word for the girls who do our laundry, make us dinner and give us back rubs while we watch the American Idol results show and hold our fists up to the heavens and say "why God? Why must Allison and not Danny Gokey go? Why God? Why?" But let's just we're really digging Alanna Kolette. The girl's freaking gorgeous and has a sick body and just might be the hottest girl we've seen in the past 5 minutes. So skip all the filler links below and just get to the photos of Alanna.

:: Poker players sue LA area card rooms over jackpot. [link]

:: Worm apparently can kick One Eyed Jack Faro's ass at poker but is scared of the Lemur (See, told you this was all just filler). [link]

:: Minnesota resorts to the 48 year old Wire Act that has nothing to do with online poker to ban online poker. [link]

:: PokerStars to be title sponsor of WPT Season 7 in the lands of igloos, porn with poo, hot brunettes and windmills. [link]

:: Clonie Gowen ain't doing so well in court. [link]

:: This has nothing to do with poker but Cassie, one of our past Friday Night Parting Shot Girls, had topless photos "leaked out" on the Internet and by "leaked out" we mean in support of her new album coming out in June. God bless new albums. [link]

:: And finally, Poker Listings publishes their Top 5 Least Popular Main Event Winners ever. See who we think should be on the list. Probably no surprise, nor who made number 1. [link]

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She is absolutely hot princess. I would love to see more of her pictures...

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