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Vanessa Rousso Wins WPT Grand Final High Rollers Event

It appears as if all of Vanessa Rousso's prayers have come true in 2009.

Vanessa Rousso

is having a Tina Fey-esque year. She has the midas touch. She can do no wrong. She should just stop right now because it can't get any better than this.

Rousso, a woman, defeated a field of 79 of the top players in the world to capture the €25,000 buy-in EPT High Roller Championship.

The win banked Rousso € 720,000, or as we like to call it in U.S. America, about $1,071,388. It's easily her biggest (live) cash to date. Her previous big (live) take downs happened this year when she won $250,000 for finishing second at the NBC Heads Up Poker Championship, the $285,450 she banked for a Borgata victory in 2006, and $263,625 for a 7th at the WPT Championship (also in '06).

Add in the GoDaddy.com sponsorship, whatever that is worth, and Rousso is making a mockery of The EconomyTM.

The bigger storyline in all of this is the ramifications Rousso's win is having on the whole "women can't be successful at poker" thing. Between her year, Clonie Gowen's success last year, Annette Obrestad's WSOP-E win, and (we think) Amanda Baker final tabling the 7pm Caesar's nightly with us on Saturday, maybe girls really can compete in this crazy little game we call life poker.

Just maybe.

Get full final table payouts here. A list of more women who bucked the odds here. Pictures of Argentine model Jesica Cirio's absolutely flawless body and booty here.

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You are forgetting that she won $700,000 in the WCOOP Main Event.

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