Poker Site Cover Girl Carrie Stroup Has a Great Sex Life
As we mentioned last week, model and occasional reporter Carrie Stroup is featured in this month's FHM Magazine with a terrifically hot 4-page photo spread and interview. And we now have the photos, which you can see after the jump below (NSFW).
Among the revelations we learn from the interview is that Stroup once represented the US as Miss United States World, thus joining the ranks of our growing list of favorite former pageant girls Katie Rees, Tara Conner, Danielle Lloyd, Caitlin Upton and Brandi Hawbaker.
We also learn that her sex life is great at the moment but come to think of it, we already knew that.
All right, photos from Carrie Stroup's FHM spread after the jump plus her video appearance on "The Toke with Wicked Chops Poker" (about 2:30 in) and a YouTube video of Stroup brokebacking a pony.
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