EPT Copenhagezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
We just remembered why we cared about the EPT Copenhagen last year and ironically it had nothing to do with the EPT Copenhagen. Photo courtesy of Copenhagen Cycle Chic blog.
The EPT Copenhagen is on Day 3 and down to 16 players competing for 6,541,920 DKK which we think is around a million bucks because we recall dividing things by 6 when we traveled there. Not sure. Something else we're not sure about is who the hell these players are. Not one US American. No Tim Vance this year. Perhaps there's some Euro we should know about but we got dizzy after seeing all the consonants in the first player's name we read. We've successfully brought Starbucks and McDonald's to Europe, why can't we export a few simple names their way that don't look like something you'd come up with tossing darts at a keyboard?
In other EPT Copenhagen news, the boxing match between Theo Jorgensen and Gus Hansen is still on for this Saturday and wow did we lose interest in this fight long before it has even taken place. It's like that with us. Get all excited about something, think it sounds great and then lose interest. We're not going to say marriage has been like that for us, just in case our current/first wives are reading this, but you can read between the lines. Kidding (we're not). We really are (not really).
Okay, they're down to 13 now. Make that 11 now. Sort of took a nap while writing this post. You can follow the so-called "action" here.
In more exciting Copenhagen news, hot Danish girls are still riding bikes.
For more of our hot, sexy coverage of the EPT, click here.