
Hello Again


The Milwaukee's Best Light Girls are back and it looks like we have a lot of the same ones we've had in past years, which is nice because it's always great to see a familiar set of breasts face. While the girls aren't necessarily new, their outfits are. For the past 3(?) years, they did the daisy duke, carpenter belt, tie-shirt thing. This year they're wearing some sort of Alison in Wonderland/French maid get up or as the Canadian sitting next to us said, "I think they're dressed as milk maids, eh." Whatever kind of maid they are, we'd like to give them a mess to clean up.

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Brittani Cal-Williamson Is the New Girl of the Month

Watch Brittani Cal-Williamson - Girl of the Month on

Let's just go ahead and declare: "It's over!"

Ok, maybe the search to find Las Vegas' hottest girl isn't nearly over yet, but the new Girl of the Month is a freaking hottie. Meet Brittani Cal-Williamson, a single model who likes to go off-roading, camping, and looks like the kind of girl you could even bring home to meet the parents. Just like Francine Dee. Just kidding.

Anyway, Brittani is our current "chip leader" to win the Girl of the Year, which we're not even sure they're doing but they should. More pics below of Brittani.

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Another Video Of That Girl From The Other Videos

As you've noticed we're not posting much this week because of all of the excitement around the American Idol finale our sheer laziness The EconomyTM some site updates we're working on. So for the sake of getting a post up we give you another video of that girl from those other videos, like this one, this one, this one and this one. Enjoy.

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Lacey Jones And Friend In Bikinis Is The Friday Night Parting Shot


Hottest Girl in Poker Lacey Jones and her friend Teresa Kae bring you this week's Friday Night Parting Shot

We're under contract with our libidos to post any photo of Lacey Jones in a bikini so here you have it, Lacey Jones in a bikini along with another hot chick in a bikini (Teresa Kae) during yesterdays' World's Largest Bikini Parade in Las Vegas. The feat of 281 girls in bikinis parading around the Strip was recognized by the folks at the Guinness Book of World Records, and while it doesn't actually sound that impressive to us--like couldn't they just go to Rehab on any given Sunday and tell all the girls to march out the parking lot and that would be a world record--we're not complaining. If there's anything the Guinness Book needs is more girls in bikini records and less crap like fat twins on motorcycles.

Pic courtesy of Lacey Jones on Twitter. Stalk her here.

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Poker News Made Better With Alanna Kolette

We're not necessarily in love with 21-year-old model Alanna Kolette. We save that word for the girls who do our laundry, make us dinner and give us back rubs while we watch the American Idol results show and hold our fists up to the heavens and say "why God? Why must Allison and not Danny Gokey go? Why God? Why?" But let's just we're really digging Alanna Kolette. The girl's freaking gorgeous and has a sick body and just might be the hottest girl we've seen in the past 5 minutes. So skip all the filler links below and just get to the photos of Alanna.

:: Poker players sue LA area card rooms over jackpot. [link]

:: Worm apparently can kick One Eyed Jack Faro's ass at poker but is scared of the Lemur (See, told you this was all just filler). [link]

:: Minnesota resorts to the 48 year old Wire Act that has nothing to do with online poker to ban online poker. [link]

:: PokerStars to be title sponsor of WPT Season 7 in the lands of igloos, porn with poo, hot brunettes and windmills. [link]

:: Clonie Gowen ain't doing so well in court. [link]

:: This has nothing to do with poker but Cassie, one of our past Friday Night Parting Shot Girls, had topless photos "leaked out" on the Internet and by "leaked out" we mean in support of her new album coming out in June. God bless new albums. [link]

:: And finally, Poker Listings publishes their Top 5 Least Popular Main Event Winners ever. See who we think should be on the list. Probably no surprise, nor who made number 1. [link]

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That Girl From February Again

Remember that girl back in February from this video, and this one, and this one? Well, here she is again and this time she's really coming on to us, moving all sexy like with her hands running down her body as she stares at us. She must not know we're currently, at this time, for the moment, today, married.

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Taylor Makakoa Is New Girl of the Month

Now this is more like it.

Maybe Daniel or Barry were fans of last month's Girl of the Month, but Taylor Makakoa is a little more our style.

We think she says something about something somewhere in this video, but we're kind of fixated on those nearly perfect gams.

Of course, as always, (re)view the immortal Francine Dee here.

Watch Taylor Makakoa - Girl of the Month on
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Oksana Pochepa Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl

This week's Friday Night Parting Shot Girl is Oksana Pochep, the 24-year-old Russian pop star and model who claims to be getting it on with 53-year-old bigot/actor Mel Gibson, whose wife of 28 years is divorcing him right now for a bazillion dollars.

It isn't known if Oksana is the reason why the couple are splitting or if even Gibson and her are actually in a relationship. It is known that we don't give a damn. We only care about the important things and what's important here is Oksana's insanely hot body. Sure, you could probably order a Russian bride who's hotter in the face and have her on your doorstep in 3 to 5 weeks, but Oksana's ridiculously perfect ass (photo) more than makes up for any of her Fergie-ish facial fug.

Photos of Oksana below. Her music video here. She has the voice of an angel alien.

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Rick's Cabaret Strippers Playing Poker at the Hard Rock Poker Lounge

The Hard Rock Poker Lounge held a Stripper Poker tournament last Friday. To paraphrase Dennis Green, "It was what you thought it was." Pretty much a bunch of strippers from Rick's Cabaret showed up for a regular tournament that included way more old old old people than we expected.

Says one of the exotic dancers there on if she even knew how to play poker, "I had a cram session this morning." We bet you did.

Watch Ricks Cabaret Strippers Playing Poker at the Hard Rock Poker Lounge on
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Abbey Diaz Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl

This week's Friday Night Parting Shot Girl is 21-year-old model Abbey Diaz (aka Cintia Fernandez) from San Juan, Argentina.

Okay, that's pretty much all we got on her. Not that you need to know anything else. This isn't a first date. It's you looking at photos of her ridiculously perfect culo and cleavage. Bonus video after the jump.

Continue reading "Abbey Diaz Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl" »

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Las Vegas Hottie of the Month Kimber Ngo

Watch Kimber Ngo - Girl of the Month on continues their search for Las Vegas hottest girl, this month spinning the wheel and landing on Kimber Ngo.

If you're into the A's, then you'll probably be a big Kimber fan. This one isn't as tame as last month's girl-next-door-hot Dana Lauren, but it's also not as "hey-here's-my-crotch-in-the-face" fantastic as Francine Dee either. Click thumbnails for larger image. Not that you didn't know how to do that already.


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Girl On Girl: Michele Lewis Interviews Vanessa Rousso

Vanessa-rousso-bikini The following is WCP contributor Michele Lewis' latest interview in her "Girl on Girl" series featuring interviews with some of the hottest girls in poker.

Vanessa Rousso isn’t just hot, she’s smokin’ hot, looks hot in a bikini and lately… she’s tournament hot. Well, hot if you consider defeating poker legends Doyle Brunson, Phil Ivey and Daniel Negreanu all in one weekend.  Seriously, how many people can say that?  Not to mention her recent WPT seventh place finish, GoDaddy commercial and some random magazine men like called Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

Just to beat anyone to the punch, Rousso isn’t running around claiming to be a model.  In fact, she’s quick to admit that the Sports Illustrated Issue was intimidating as hell, especially when given three weeks to get in shape.  Furthermore, Rousso has no problem talking about the PokerStars bikini spot, as she’s happy to see poker being viewed more as a sport.

Besides, let’s be honest… it’s not really a big deal she was in Sports Illustrated because female poker players and the girlfriends/wives of male poker players are always asked to pose for the Swimsuit Edition. Ok, not really.  Point being, someone asked her vs. asking a poker playing celebrity like… Paris Hilton.  So, with Rousso sizzling up the poker scene, I got her to confess her alma mater, latest streak (like a Frank the Tank streak) and as I always ask… who she thinks is hot.

Michele Lewis:  Vanessa, so far this year you’ve been in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, signed a deal with, still a star player on team PokerStars and won second in the NBC National Heads-Up Championship.  That’s great and all, but come on… you must be ecstatic to be the new Girl on Girl... woman.  So, how does it feel? 

Continue reading "Girl On Girl: Michele Lewis Interviews Vanessa Rousso" »

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Laura Leigh Siani Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl

Our Friday Night Parting Shot Girl this week is 21-year-old model Laura Leigh Siani of Staten Island, N.Y. Siani is on the ABC reality show True Beauty, or maybe she was on it. Have no idea if this show is still airing, or what it's about, which is a shame because Laura is insanely hot and has a killer body so we'd probably watch it. Oh wait, we just read that Tyra Banks co-produces the show. Hate Tyra Banks. She used to be fun to look at when we didn't know she talked but now she's like Kryptonite to our super powers of watching insanely hot chicks on TV. We all have our weaknesses. America's Top Narcissist is ours.

Learn more about Laura over on her Mahalo page or check out her website. Click away at the photos and video below.

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Another MMA Ring Girl Search Because Why Not

Watch MMA Fix Presents MMA Ring Girl Search 2! on

We're pretty big fans of girls in bikinis, so since there's nothing else really going on today other than the WPT Bay 101 Main Event (updates here), above is another MMA Ring Girl Search at the Hawaiian Tropic Zone covered by MMA Fix/

In related girls-in-bikinis news, the aforementioned will be interviewing WCP fave American Idol "Bikini Girl" Katrina Darrell on Friday. If you're really lonely, look out for that video this weekend.

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Aya Fukunaga Micro Bikini Dancing Video Brings You Today's Poker News

Aya-fukunaga Honestly there isn't any real poker news today. Just a few poker-y links below that serve as an excuse to share with you a ridiculously hot video of Japan's Aya Fukunaga dancing around all sexy-like in a tiny bikini and covered in baby oil. There isn't a better 5:40 on the Internet. Pretty NSFW for those who aren't their own bosses but f&#k it, you're probably going to get laid off anyway. WATCH VIDEO AFTER THE JUMP HERE.

Zac Efron, the High School Musical kid who makes Dario Minieri look like a man, won some poker tournament in Australia against the likes of Joe Hachem and Kings of Leon. [link]

:: The WPT Bay 101 Shooting Stars got underway today and the WPT Live Updates crew is throwing down some mad tweets. Okay, there's no way to make Twitter sound cool. [link]

:: Celebrity(?) Apprentice's Annie Duke is hooked on the Twitter. Stalk her @RealAnnieDuke so you can read about how small her and Joe "Pretty Boy" Reitman's bed was last night. Okay, maybe don't. [link]

:: Layne Flack seems to be doing just great a week after getting a DUI in Vegas, chumming around with Tiffany Michelle and Maria Ho "on the 50 yard line" of a Sharks hockey game. [link]

:: Amanda Leatherman just got the scoop from the horse's mouth himself (wink, wink...get it? Layne has huge effing horse teeth). Of note, Flack douchery reaches new heights when he reveals he drives a Corvette. [link]

:: Two Canadians brought their "Eh" game to the WSOP Circuit Event in Atlantic Shitty, going one-two. Relatedly, they're still doing WSOP Circuit events? Also relatedly, why? [link]

Continue reading "Aya Fukunaga Micro Bikini Dancing Video Brings You Today's Poker News" »

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Marisa Perez Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl

This week's Friday Night Parting Shot Girl is Spanish actress Marisa Perez. She's just 19 but that is in US American years, which translates to like 25 in Spanish girls years. It's a well known fact that Latin girls mature much faster than other girls, or at least that's what we told ourselves the last time we went to Spain, and by "ourselves" we mean "the judge." If you don't know who Perez is it's probably because you don't live in Portugal where she stars in the TV show Morangos com Açúcar, which apparently has received criticism for picking actors based solely on their looks. We think that accusation is grossly unfair and to prove it we offer this dramatic clip of Perez standing against a door in her bikini. We're not sure what Portuguese version of the Emmy's is but this girl deserves one.

Continue reading "Marisa Perez Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl" »

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Hillary Fisher Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl


Hillary Fisher is a lingerie and bikini wearing wunderkind.

This week's Friday Night Parting Shot Girl is 25-year-old Hillary Fisher of South Carolina. We don't know much about her except that she appears to be some kind of world champion bikini wearer, and on her MySpace page she claims Martha Stewart is her hero so she's probably good around the kitchen, which pretty much makes her perfect. Actually, with a body like hers, she could not know how to boil water and still be perfect. Credit goes to for turning us on to Hillary. Click away at the photos of Hillary below. For a hot video of Hillary parading around in a bikini, go here.

Continue reading "Hillary Fisher Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl" »

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Vanessa Rousso Tapped As New GoDaddy Girl

We ass-ume "I'd like to rear end her" is the IndyCar equivalent of bad "I'd poke-her" jokes.

This post was supposed to be about poker player Vanessa Rousso, who went to Duke and whose photoshop replica recently appeared in the SI Swimsuit Issue, joining IndyCar hottie Danica Patrick as a spokesmodel for domain name registrar, but somewhere between reading that news and starting this post we found these photos of Danica and lost our train of thought. The look-from-behind pose has that effect on us.

So...for the story on Rousso, including a quote from Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons that awesomely works in the fact that Vanessa went to Duke, check out Bluff Magazine's write up here.

For photos of Danica and her impressive bumper, look up and below.

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Las Vegas' Hottest Hottie? continues their search for Las Vegas' hottest girl with their February babe, Dana Lauren. Let's just say Dana classes this one up a bit and isn't as liberal with the clothing-removal as last month's nominee Francine Dee.

Watch Girl of the Month - Dana Lauren on
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That Girl From The Other Day Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl

Who better to be this week's Friday Night Parting Shot Girl than Chloe, the girl from that video the other day and the day before. Enjoy.

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More Of That Girl From Yesterday

Here's another hot video from that girl who was fun to watch yesterday. Her name is Chloe if you're into details like that. We're guessing that's her stage name, and if you're guessing we don't care, you're right. By the way, if anyone can explain why this video has like only 300 views but one of paint drying has 75,000 views, we'd love to hear it.

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This Is Fun To Watch, Has Nothing To Do With Poker

Hmm, the title is "red palms"? Is that because...nevermind.

We just found this video like 5 minutes ago and have already watched it three times. Make that four. Going for a world record now. Wish us luck.

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Brooklyn Decker Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl

Okay let's keep our official "Vanessa Rousso Was in the 2009 SI Swimsuit Issue So Let's Post As Many Models From the Mag as We Can Week" going just a tad longer by making Brooklyn Decker our Friday Night Parting Shot Girl. As we said earlier, the 21-year-old Decker just might be the most perfect girl in the world. She's insanely hot, has a smoking body, loves sports, and even better, she's a Tarheel fan which means she frickin' hates Duke. Yep, Decker could give Keeley Hazell a run for her money as the Official WCP Girl of 2009, although that just may be the meth her photos and this video talking.

Check out Brooklyn Decker's SI Swimsuit Issue photos here and below.

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BTW, Bar Refaeli Is The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Cover Girl


Congrats Leo, you can now add "Banging SI cover model" to your resume. 

We kind of buried the lead in the last post or maybe forgot to mention it specifically but poker player Leonard DiCaprio's girlfriend Bar Refaeli has been announced as this year's Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover girl.

While we stopped masturbating getting excited about the SI Swimsuit Issue around the time Elle MacPherson was on the cover wearing a one piece wedged up her frontside and we were still getting hand jobs from the junior cheerleading squad, Bar on the cover has peaked our interest again. She's been a long time WCP fave thanks to her superb bikini wearing talents (some past posts/pics here, here, here and here) so it's nice to see her get the nod after getting bumped by Marisa Miller last year.

Of note, if you stare at her pulling down her bikini bottoms long enough in the photo above, you'll waste a good portion of your day.

Go straight to Bar Refaeli's SI video and photo gallery here.

UPDATE: Current favorite.

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Vanessa Rousso Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Picture Is Out

Bar Refaeli gets a little more face time in the 2009 SI Swimsuit edition than Vanessa Rousso...but did she go to Duke?

Albeit only a small pic in a Poker Stars paid for portion of the magazine, Vanessa Rousso, a woman who went to Duke, has made it into the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.

We'll have that pic up soon (seriously if somebody is sitting in their underwear at home with an issue and a scanner, please send it to us...will save us a lot of work...thanks). In the meantime, enjoy some of these pics from the issue. View many, many more here.


Brooklyn_decker_si_swimsuit_2 Irina_shayk_si_swimsuit

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The Krupa Sisters Are The Friday Night Parting Shot Girls

That's Marta Krupa in the red and Joanna Krupa in the pink, if names are important to you.

We never thought longtime WCP fave Joanna Krupa, aka the hottest girl to have ever played the WSOP, could getting any hotter. Thankfully she figured out a way, and that's posing with her equally hot sister Marta Krupa for RALPH magazine. Click away below and enjoy.

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The Wicked Chops Poker Forum Is Back (Brought to You By Francine Dee)

So a few months back we had to take down the Wicked Chops Poker Forum due to ridiculous on-going technical difficulties. We blame it on the so-called "Internet" and its new fangled and so difficult to understand technologies. We also blame it on some general laziness on our end in trying to figure it out. While we have almost a preternatural sixth sense in finding the next hot babe model on the Internet and owning SEO on her, solving .php issues, not so much. Anyway, start posting away again here.

And speaking of hot models, we bring you the Girl of the Month, Francine Dee. Best known as an automotive magazine and show girl, Dee has also made appearances in the movie Soul Plane (phw, who hasn't?) and on an episode of Blind Date. And since she's a hot Asian and in Vegas a lot, you'll probably see her around the poker scene eventually when Negreanu or Greenstein inevitably date her.

Go to our forum here get more Francine Dee photo links.

Watch Girl of the Month - Francine Dee on
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Annette Melton Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl

No surprise here. Aussie model and our favorite new poker presenter Annette Melton is this week's Friday Night Parting Shot Girl. The twenty-three(?)-year-old model and part time reporter is a former pageant girl, so you know she's fun, and she was named the official Chiko Chick last year, which probably only means something to you if you live somewhere where your toilet flushes in the wrong direction.

Photos of Annette below and here.

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Hey Poker News, More Annette Melton Please (2009 Aussie Millions Final Table Update)

Annette_Melton_1 After all sorts of interesting storyline possibilities evaporated with the eliminations of Annette Obrestad, a woman, Annica Ivert, a woman, and Kelly Kim, whose name if reversed sounds like a super hot woman, at the 2009 Aussie Millions Main Event, all we're really left with is this: Is Rajkumar Ramakrishnan the same Rajkumar Ramakrishnan that this website was created for back in 2001? And will whoever made that site come after the guy (if it is him)? Can somebody at Poker News get on that already? Cause really, unlike previous years, that's all we got.

Davidson Matthew Club member Stewart Scott takes the chip lead to the final table, stacked at 4,520,000. He's trailed by U.S. American Peter Rho with 2,420,000. The aforementioned Rajkumar Ramakrishnan is third with 2,050,000. In fourth is US American Zach Gruneberg (1,355,500), who is coming off a prelim Aussie Millions win, followed by Aussie Sam Capra (1,116,100). In sixth is Elliot Smith (1,120,000), no, not that Elliot Smith, and rounding out the bottom of the final table are two Brits, FTP pro Richard Ashby (658,000) and Hendon Mob-ster Barny Boatman (349,000), who seems as if he's been short-stacked the entire tournament.

Get full chip counts here.

Okay, now that we got that out of the way, for crying out loud give us some more Annette Melton (at right). Please! We swear we'll try harder to get past the annoying preroll you run before every video even though we have the attention span of a two-year-old hooked on the Obama. If you don't know, Melton is a smokingly gorgeous Australian model with the kind of looks that give reason to why we call them our current/first wives. She has been doing scant video reporting for during the Aussie Millions and some in the past, but like we said, it's been scant. And anything scant with a hot girl, besides clothing, sucks.

Check out some of Annette's modeling photos below. And one of her few-and-far-between videos after the jump.

Continue reading "Hey Poker News, More Annette Melton Please (2009 Aussie Millions Final Table Update)" »

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Chris "Enchanted Wonderland" Chronis Leads Aussie Millions Into Day 2

We're gonna go out on an ignorant limb and assume Aussie Millions chipleader Christopher Chronis isn't as interested in photos of Vicky Secret model Miranda Kerr as we are.

While the big news in the poker world today is the freeroll we're running this Thursday on Full Tilt Poker for a $3,200 seat to the Borgata Winter Poker Open, the Aussie Millions Main Event is also underway, and after the three day ones, this fruity guy (aka Christopher "Enchanted Wonderland" Chronis) is heading into Day 2 with the biggest stack (175,375).

Behind him, which we're guessing is just where he likes other dudes with big stacks to be, is Ben Charlton, who ended as the Day 1C chipleader with 161,100 in chips.

Day 2 starts up today, or is that tomorrow in Australia, or was that already yesterday. No idea. 320 of the 681 still remain gunning it out for the 2 mil AUD first place prize.

For live reports and chip counts, go here.

For fun clickable photos of Miranda Kerr look below.

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Griselda Sanchez Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl

We've said this before but it bears repeating...Argentina produces more hot girls per capita than any other country in the world, and Argentinian model Griselda Sanchez is our latest find. We don't know a damn thing about Sanchez except that she was on some Spanish-language version of Big Brother, probably eats tacos for lunch and is unfortunately adept at covering her grande titas with her hands.

Click away at the thumbnails below. Video after the jump.

Continue reading "Griselda Sanchez Is The Friday Night Parting Shot Girl" »

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These Girls Aren't Exactly Shy

Last week we mentioned that the AVN's were in Las Vegas and the good people at would be covering it.

And as predicted (we're really good at that), they came out with a bang-up piece asking all the girls in the adult entertainment industry a bunch of questions you probably always wanted to know. Side note: Lexi Belle seems pretty cool...and Angelina Armani scares us.

Watch AVN Adult Entertainment Expo 2009 on
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MMA Ring Girl Wannabes Seem Like A Lotta Fun

The AVNs are in Las Vegas this week and we're sure the good people at will have plenty to post on it in the near future, but until they do, this MMA Ring Girl Search Contest that just took place will have to suffice.

We don't know much about rear-naked chokes or flying scissor heel hooks other than they sound like something you'd do right before delivering a dirty sanchez, but we do know that MMA ring girls in general are smoking hot (Exhibit A: here) so hey, we're glad these girls have chosen a career path we can all be proud of (parenthesis only so we don't end that sentence in a preposition...take THAT Mrs. Farmer).

Watch MMA Fix Presents MMA Ring Girl Search on

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Topless Danish Girls Falling From The Sky Makes For A Good Post

There are two ways to sell a product. You either tallk about what makes your product unique and great, or you get hundreds of smoking hot girls to board a plane, take their tops off, and zoom in on their breasts as they get ready to skydive. All in slow-mo. Watch the below commercial (NSFW) for the Danish company Fleggaard and see if you can figure out which approach they went with.

Link: Fleg Master Tlpizza

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Haruna Yabuki is the Wicked Chops Poker Friday Night Parting Shot Girl

Give us a hot Asian girl like Haruna Yabuki over a hot not-Asian girl any day. Or better yet, give us both. Please.

You can thank the group of smoking hot Asian girls we walked by earlier tonight in L.A. for inspiring our pick for this week's Friday Night Parting Shot Girl. You can also thank our current/first wives. Because if it wasn't for them we'd probably be out closing the deal with the hot Asian girls rather than at home turning Japanese to photos of Haruna Yabuki.

While we don't know much about Yabuki, we do know that she is from Japan and she likes to strip down to her undies and pose for photos. And she looks incredibly hot doing so, which makes her a hero to us. Right up there with firemen, WWII veterans and cheerleaders. For some of her hottest pics, click away at the thumbnails below, and as a bonus, check out these hot videos of Yabuki.

Continue reading "Haruna Yabuki is the Wicked Chops Poker Friday Night Parting Shot Girl" »

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PSA: Stripper Pole Move of the Week

Consider this our semi-regular public service announcement:

The last major tournament of the year kicks off tomorrow with the WPT Bellagio Five Diamond Classic. If you're playing in it and are bringing your girlfriend/wife and want to find her better off and more educated when you pick her up than when you left her, then just down the Strip in Las Vegas from the Bellagio she can take these stripper pole dancing lessons.

Consider it the one Christmas gift you can give her that will just keep on giving.

Watch Fawnia's Stripper Pole Move of the Week: Episode 3 on
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Emily Scott Is A Hot, Wet, Online Poker Player

The headline to this post really should be, "We Actually Read The Stupid Interview that Went Along with Emily Scott's Bikini Photo Spread," because we've never done that before. Truth be told, we get all of our news just by looking at photos. That's how we learned Denzel Washington was elected president.*

Emily Scott, if you don't know, is the Australian version of Keeley Hazell except her breasts are not God-given, and in the RALPH magazine interview that we read we learned that Scott plays online poker

"I've been playing online poker slightly mentally. It's a bit of an addiction," said Scott. "No matter where you are, you've got a casino." 

She goes on to say has a tendency to "go all-in" a lot, gets drunk while playing and other pseudo-sexual innuendo stuff that makes the average male stalker think he has a shot at her and reminds us why we never read the interviews that go along with photo spreads like this.

* We kid, we kid. And it's cool. We can joke about this kind of thing. We voted for the guy so we get immunity for a couple years right? 

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Things We're Thankful For...

(from our November Bluff Magazinecolumn)

The Wicked Chops Poker Annual “What We’re Thankful For” Article

Every November, sometime right around Thanksgiving, the Entities who comprise Wicked Chops Poker gather around a fireplace and share stories about what we’re most thankful for in our respective lives.

Just kidding. For the most part we take absolutely everything for granted.

Except for poker. Poker has always been there for us. Need an excuse to get away from our current/first wives for a night? Poker. Need some spare coin to help fund covert guerilla wars in developing nations with the hope of spreading democracy abroad? Poker.

With that in mind, here’s this year’s edition of our “What We’re Thankful For” Article.

The 2008 World Series of Poker – This was the fourth WSOP we’ve covered and this was easily and by far our favorite. Huge hats off to Jeffrey Pollack and crew for putting together a well run operation. And while this year may have lacked good Vinnie Vinh chair cashing moments, it did have plenty of big names rising to the occasion, often being railed by girls with even bigger racks.

The 2008 WSOP Rail Birds – See previous paragraph, last sentence. We’ve seen some hot railbirds in the past, but this year’s WSOP set new standards. We even dedicated an entire section of our website (and all but one of the pictures in this article) to these amazing young women.

Sure, people questioned us if snapping photos of girls without their knowledge and posting them on our site was “ethical.” But what are ethics anyway? Ethics are just a system of morals. And what are morals? Morals are the principles or rules that enable you to make the distinction between right and wrong? So then, what exactly is “right?” And what exactly is “wrong?” All we know is if taking pictures of beautiful women and putting them up on the so-called Internet is “wrong,” then we don’t even want to know what “right” is.  

Seriously though those girls were hot. (view them all again here)

Not One Ginger Punched Us in the Face – Not sure what this says about us, but two of our three “What We’re Thankful For” lists have included, “not being punched in the face.”

We had a little fun this year at the expense of gingers. For those who don’t know, gingers are red headed people with freckles, pale skin, and no soul (and actually have the capability of stealing your soul by just looking at you in the eye), like Bluff Magazine Managing Editor Lance Bradley. One of our favorite ginger gimmicks this year was a “Ginger of the Day” feature during the WSOP. For the record, we claim many a ginger as a friend. And we even had some gingers request to be gingers of the day. An overwhelming  number of gingers embraced the Ginger of the Day concept. A few didn’t. Fortunately none of those people took it out on us in the form of physical retaliation. Or by looking at us in the eyes.

Nicknames Coming Through – We certainly have a knack for picking the right people to nickname. From the spectacularly-breasted J.C. Tran continuing his winning ways (and giving us dozens of excuses this year to post photos of him on our site), to “Salty” Joe Hachem being, well, salty, to David “The Dragon” Pham* giving us a chance to asterisk his name more times then we can count, what a year for our stable of nicknames. We can only look forward with eager anticipation to who will get nicknames next year—and what those people will achieve.

Less and Less People Playing on UltimateBet and Absolute Poker – Screw them. They don’t deserve another cent from any of you.**  

The November Nine™ Hostages – Sometimes people get so wrapped up in their own sufferings that they forget about the plight of others. But not the Entities. Those brave souls—The November Nine—who were taken hostage by the World Series of Poker and held captive for four months, unable to access but a minimal amount of their winnings, unable to feed themselves, their families, or put a roof over their heads, they are the real heroes. They are the ones for whom we all owe a deep amount of gratitude.

* Not a real dragon.

** The views expressed by Wicked Chops Poker are not necessarily shared by Bluff Magazine.

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2007 Playmate of the Year Sara Jean Underwood

We don't think it's possible to watch the below video of 2007 Playmate of the Year Sara Jean Underwood talking with's Andrea Tiede and not immediately start googling her name to find photos of her in various states of undress.

Unless maybe you're that Tony guy. Tony's gay.

So, to save you the 1.4 seconds it takes to find such photos, here you go (really, really NSFW). Enjoy.

Watch 2007 Playmate of the Year Sara Jean Underwood on

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Bond Girl Olga Kurylenko Photos Make For A Good Post

Olga Kurylenko just may be the hottest Bond girl ever. Or at least since Eva Green.

Who would have thought that when we picked some little known Ukrainian model named Olga as our Friday Night Parting Shot two and a half years ago, she'd go on to become a Bond girl? Yep, stick with us ladies. You'll go places. Hmmm..wonder what Savannah is up to these days. Probably curing cancer or something.

You can catch Olga Kurylenko in the latest and awfully named 007 flick Quantum of Solace when it hits theaters this Nov. 14. For now, a bunch of photos of Olga in the German Maxim and French FHM.

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Kim Kardashian and Her Cleavage Video

Kim Kardashian was in Las Vegas recently for her Vegas Magazine photoshoot and has the video. For those who are curious to know what Amy Winehouse would look like not all f-ed up with some meat on her bones, a normal person's nose and huge tits, today's your lucky day. Sicko.

Surprisingly Kim isn't banging some black* dude in this video.

Watch Kim Kardashian Behind the Scenes Footage on

* It's cool, we can say this. Some of us voted for Obama.

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Happy Halloween

A look at the top five sexy Halloween outfits this year. We vote for "Sexy Nymph."

Top 5 Super Sexy Halloween Costumes for 2008
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Lacey Jones and Christina Lindley Bluff Magazine Spread Is Here


Oh look, the new Bluff has a 2008 WCOOP wrap-up. Sweet!

Critical-thinking poker intelligentsia like us know that the true measure of a woman poker player is not the superficial shit like how much money she's won or bracelets she's snagged. No, the real measure of a woman's success in poker is how much clothes she has taken off for our viewing pleasure and how good she looks doing so.

It's something women poker players like Jennifer "Jennicide" Leigh (Playboy, FHMonline), Liv Boeree (Loaded), Shannon Elizabeth (Playboy, American Pie, Stuff, Maxim, etc.), Jennifer Tilly (Bound), Erica Schoenberg (Carmen Electra’s Strip Poker DVD), Chantel McNulty (the Internet), Kathy Liebert (Wicked Chops personal collection) and Clonie Gowen (Maxim) have understood.

And perhaps no two girls have appreciated this better than the hottest woman in poker Lacey Jones and her hot poker friend/occasional shower partner Christina Lindley. Sure the two know a thing or two about playing cards. We respect that. But more impressive is their deftness at showing us how unbelievably hot they are in as little clothing as possible (see Lacey's nothing but body paint photo and Christina's lingerie video for examples).

Anyway, all of the above is a long way to get to the point that the much-anticipated Lacey Jones and Christina Lindley Bluff issue is out now on magazine stands and you should go get it. Now. You should also close your door and click on the image above for a bigger, hi res shot of the cover.

Kudos to Bluff for the cover and spread. There's a reason why WCP writes for the magazine.

See our ridiculously hot lingerie video of Lacey and Christina here.

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Rick's Caberet Las Vegas PSA For Our Readers

If you listen to the Howard Stern show, you know that Rick's Caberet had its grand opening in Las Vegas last week.

If you don't listen to the Howard Stern show, then hey, Rick's Caberet had it's grand opening in Las Vegas last week.

Since most of you readers are frequent or semi-frequent Vegas travelers, we feel it's important to show you some places to go on occasion when you're away from the felt. Hence the below video. It's like our own little public service announcements for you, because that's how much you mean to the Entities.

We also know you like hot strippers. So there's that too.

Ricks Cabaret Las Vegas Grand Opening

Continue reading "Rick's Caberet Las Vegas PSA For Our Readers" »

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Sarah Palin Look-a-Likes Not Really Less Intelligent Than Sarah Palin

Not sure if this is encouraging or not, but these Sarah Palin look-a-likes (at last night's Sarah Palin Look-A-Like Contest at Club Paradise in Las Vegas) don't necessarily come off as that less intelligent than Sarah Palin.

Then again they're barely wearing anything so we weren't paying too much attention to what they were saying.

Watch Sarah Palin Look-A-Like Contest at Club Paradise on
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Lacey Jones and Christina Lindley Lingerie Photo Shoot Video

Back in September the hottest girl in poker Lacey Jones and fellow poker hottie Christina Lindley did a ridiculously hot photo shoot for the cover of Bluff Magazine in nothing but lingerie and high heels, and as promised we have video.

Take the rest of the afternoon off and watch it below or on here.

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Liv Boeree in Loaded Magazine is the Friday Night Parting Shot

Liv Boeree is smoking hot in the Nov. issue of Loaded magazine. Get it? She's smoking for real, and she's hot. She even has flames on her too, and well flames are hot. It's a play on words. Why do we need to explain this to you? Are you stupid?

British badass poker hottie Liv Boeree may never win a major poker tournament, earn millions of dollars in winnings or gain the respect of her peers for superior play at the poker table*, but there's no question that she is unequivocally the most accomplished woman poker player in the world right now, and it's all thanks to her outrageously hot 3-page photo spread in the November issue of Loaded Magazine.

Yep, you don't need to win tournaments to gain our respect girls. Actually, as Annette Obrestad proved, women winning stuff just scares the bajeezus out of us. No, to impress us, all you have to do is just get sort of close to naked, pose all hot and smile for the camera. We're simple like that.

Click away at the thumbnails below.

* Liv does have some serious wicked poker chops at the table. She cashed twice at the 2008 WSOP and won the 2008 European Ladies Championship all while looking super hot like this.

H/t to reader Brian for the photos.

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Poker News Made Better With Gemma Atkinson 2009 Calendar Photos

Bodaciously breasted Brit Gemma Atkinson gives us 12 reasons to celebrate 2009. Enjoy 4 below, the rest here.

:: The asshats at Duplicate Poker, which just two weeks ago claimed it increased its revenues six-fold since its launch (0 x 6=0?), blame the "global financial crisis" for its shutdown. [link]

:: We'd tell you about how Christian Lusardi got busted for running a crack house/poker room in North Carolina but we're distracted by that stupid-looking Charlie Chaplin-esque, 5 'o clock shadow stache he has going on. [link]

:: We're guessing FIPA was taken already. [link]

:: Poker player/political pundit Daniel Negreanu giving Sarah Palin props? [link]

:: The highly reputable newshounds at live blogged today's online poker domain seizures hearing in Kentucky. [link]

:: Jimmy McSweeney, whose name sounds like something we'd make up if we had to make up an Irish name real quick, won the Irish Poker Festival. [link]

:: Gutshot Poker makes its official move from Microgaming to Cake this Wednesday. [link]

:: FOWCP and poker playing hottie Leilani Dowding gets naked and soaps up with Lucy Becker in a ridiculously hot LOADED magazine spread. [link] (NSFW)

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Not Necessarily Just Poker News Brought to You By Steve Sanders' Wife

Nikki Ziering has aged well. She's on a Jennifer Tilly-esque aging continuum. 37? Wow. View more pics here.

:: This new poker rap is > "Poker is Fun" (not hard) but < "The Poker Rap." [link]

:: Fernanda Ferrari has gotta be a fake name and her boobs have gotta be fake too but ultimately who cares. [link]

:: Dr. Pauly is a professional cooler. [link]

:: Prepare to projectile vomit at the thought of/image of sentence number two of Doyle Brunson's latest blog. [link]

:: Vote for who you're blind shoving with this November...even though they all kind of suck. [link]

:: The greatest insurance video of all time, hands down, nothing even remotely comes close. [link]

:: Lesson learned from Chantel McNulty's plastic surgery: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. [link]

:: The Sarah Palin porno, awesomely titled "Nailin Paylin," is cumming. [link]

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Rounder Magazine Cover Shoot with Playboy Playmate Tamara Witmer

As mentioned earlier, days like this one are the "fun part" of the job.

Tamara Witmer is a Playboy Playmate who is so cool her website cues "Cherry Pie" upon loading. It might've played "Unskinny Bop" had Bret Michaels not shunned her on Rock of Love. But he did. So consider us the winners since "Cherry Pie" is by far the better song.

Anyway, Tamara is the latest cover model for Rounder Magazine. We were on hand for the photo shoot. Just as we were last week for Bluff Magazine's Lacey Jones/Christian Lindley feature.

Glad to see these poker mags finally learning how to make issues literally fly off the racks. Hopefully this means covers with a grinning Robert Williamson III and the headline "Winning Omaha Hi/Lo Strategies" have come to an end.

Rounder Magazine Cover Shoot with Playboy Playmate Tamara Witmer
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Girls on the Rail at 2008 WSOP


    Our photog at the 2008 WSOP is having a hard time focusing his lens on the pros at the table. We like him for that. Check out girls on the rail here.

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