Kristen Photos

Shocker! Eliot Spitzer's Hooker Did Girls Gone Wild When She Was 18, Possibly 17

Eliot Spitzer's Hooker Ashley Alexandra Dupre dig Girls Gone Wild when she was 18In news every bit as surprising as having to take a crap in the morning, Eliot Spitzer's hooker "Kristen" (aka Ashley Alexandra Dupre, aka Ashley Youmans, aka Ashley Rae Maika DiPietro, aka Nina Venetta) did Joe Francis' Girls Gone Wild in 2003 when she was celebrating her 18th birthday in Florida, thus fulfilling the official rite of passage for any teenage slut seeking to become an adult slut.

While the AP reports Ashley was 18 at the time the video was filmed, we read somewhere that her attorney is saying she was 17. We also read somewhere that if you put an egg in a bowl of water and it floats, it's bad, but that doesn't have anything to do with this post. But it's still very important to know.

Word is that Joe Francis was originally going to offer Ashley $1 million this week to team with his porn shop but then realized they actually had footage of her on file. How much footage? Apparently seven tapes worth, including girl-on-girl stuff, which of course is what Girls Gone Wild is all about. That and making it a bitch to cancel your subscription of 7 years despite repeated efforts to do so because your current/first wife isn't cool with them anymore.

A video clip of Ashley Alexandra Dupre going wild and a few more pics after the jump . . .

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New Photos of Ashley Alexandra Dupre, nee Ashley Youmans, Who is from Jersey Where the WSOPC Atlantic City Final Table is Underway

New photos of Ashley Youmans aka Ashley Alexandra Dupre are confusingThe final table of the main event of the WSOP Circuit in Atlantic City is underway along the Jersey shore where former NY governor Eliot Spitzer's high-priced hooker "Kristen," aka Ashley Alexandra Dupre, aka Ashley Youmans, aka Ashley Rae Maika DiPietro, aka Nina Venetta, grew up.

With the chip lead at the start of play was Florida's Dan Hicks, stacked at 1,118,000. Hicks has had some decent tournament success over the past few years including a 4th place finish in the short-handed event at the 2006 World Series of Poker.

Starting today in second was New York poker pro and noted online-er Eric Haber, aka 'Sheets,' with 927,000.

The only other notable worthing noting to us from the final table is Nick Binger, brother of 2006 WSOP Main Event final table-ist Michael Binger. Nick has quietly amassed nearly $400k in tournament winnings the last two years and no doubt is looking to make some noise here at Caesars Atlantic City.

Moving along here to the real story, some new photos of Ashley Alexandra Dupre are popping up online despite her shyster's claims that they violate her right to privacy.

Checking them out, we're not quite sure what to make of the 22-year-old (or is she 32? or 37? which some are reporting) call girl who sent the anti-online gambling Spitzer packing from the Governor's mansion this week after word got out about their tryst in a Washington hotel. The more photos we see of her the more we're confused. In some pics, like this one, she's exactly what we'd expect from a 5-diamond-er. Other shots, she's just the girl next door, if you live in New Jersey that is. Still others, she comes across a tad bit rough, to put it kindly. Like a girl you might run into along the Jersey Turnpike and say, "So what brings you to this truck stop young lady?"

Anyway, hot or not, Ashley is on her way to stardom because she banged dudes for money, which really is the moral to the story here.

After the jump below, some of the new photos of Ashley Alexandra Dupre Rae Maika DiPietro Kristen Youmans . . .

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Ashley Alexandra Dupre photos
Ashley Alexandra Dupre aka Ashley Youmans is Kristen the Hooker
Eliot Spitzer to Resign, Dropped $80k on Hookers the Past 10 Years
Anti-Online Gambling Crusader Gov. Eliot Spitzer Linked to Prostitution Ring

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Photos of Ashley Alexandra Dupre aka "Kristen" the Eliot Spitzer Hooker

Ashley Alexandra Dupre is Kristen, Eliot Spitzer's hooker from the Emperors Club

Above and after the jump are more photos of "Kristen," aka Ashley Alexandra Dupré (birth name Ashley Youmans), the high-priced prostitute from the Emperors Club VIP. Ashley banked $4300 for banging (hopefully with protection) FORMER New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, the anti-online gambling crusader who was awesomely and ironically busted when his bank became suspicious of high-level wire transfers.

The more pics that come out, the less manish the 22-year-old looks and more generally attractive. Maybe not what we expected looks-wise from a high-price hooker, but probably Parting Shot worthy given the right spread.

Many more photos after the jump.

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