Odette Yustman

Odette Yustman Is a One-Woman EPT German Open

Odette Yustman, star of Cloverfield, is a One Woman EPT German OpenWe're not so much into covering the EPT German Open in Dortmund, Germany as we are into loosely connecting famous hot chicks we're currently digging with the poker tournament.

Today, that girl is Odette Yustman, the flawlessly hot star of the J.J. Abrams monster flick Cloverfield who, like the remaining players at the end of Day 2, is a hodge podge of various nationalities (she's a Jewish-American born in LA to parents of Italian, French and Cuban descent) and has sort of a strange name, although nothing like Torsten Haase of Germany, who started today with 36,800 in chips, and Aniol Alcaraz of Spain, who was stacked at 216,200.

Yustman also speaks Spanish fluently, like the chipleader at the start of Day 3, Diego Perez Marco, who began today with 361,600.

Michael McDonald, a Canadian and not of the Doobie Brothers, was in second with 335,7000 and is pretty much the only guy left with an Anglo name we can pronounce confidently.

Of note, big name pros Daniel Negreanu, Annette Obrestand, a woman, and Thor Hansen were eliminated on Day 2, and last we checked Marcel Luske and Brandon Schaefer saw their tournaments end today with 16 players left.

Owen Laukkanen is all over the action in Germany like Paris Hilton on Elisha Cuthbert, yet nowhere near as hot. Check his live reports here.

Fun photos of Odette Yustman and a video of her washing a car after the jump . . .

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