Poker Rap

Lacey Jones Featured In The Grouch and Eligh's Video For "All In"

Screen grab from The Grouch and Eligh's new single "All In" starring Lacey Jones.

If underground hip hop act The Grouch and Eligh's new single "All In" was actually about poker it would rank right up there as one of the best poker songs ever. But besides it's title, the song really has nothing to do with poker. Instead it's all about, well, who knows. Hard to understand what they're saying.

Regardless, none of that stopped them from getting Lacey Jones, the hottest girl in poker, to star in their video wearing nothing but lingerie while playing poker. And if you know Lacey like we do, and you don't, that's her favorite way to play poker. So good move there The Grouch and Eligh. Not a good move though: not showing Lacey for the full 4:53. Way too much random rapper guy staring at the camera rapping the whole time and not nearly enough Lacey Jones standing there looking hot.

Check out the full video here. For a video of Lacey in lingerie sans dudes rapping, go here.

More of Lacey Jones here.

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Lady GaGa's Poker Face Best Poker Song Ever?


Ok the headline of this post is somewhat misleading as we only made it halfway through the chorus. So our answer is a resounding "No."

But it's slow news way for and will be for another couple days, so Lady GaGa's Poker Face (linked below, shown above, kind of sort of hot, thanks reader Clemens for the link) leads us to an interesting question: what's the best poker song ever made? This is kind of like picking the hottest obese girl you've ever seen, btw.

Watch and let us know what you think or do a write-in vote in the comments.

Poker Face by Lady GaGa
The Poker Rap by DudeMan
All In 2007 WSOP Rap
The Poker Song
The Donkey Song
Poker Is Fun by Prahlad Friedman
The Gambler by Kenny Rogers
My Vibrator by Isabelle Mercier
Chocolate Rain (Remix) by Devilfish


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Girls on the Rail at 2008 WSOP


    Our photog at the 2008 WSOP is having a hard time focusing his lens on the pros at the table. We like him for that. Check out girls on the rail here.

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