Scotty Nguyen

Scotty Nguyen Signs with


Arguably the biggest "free agent" name in poker has a new sponsor, as has signed Scotty Nguyen to be its new "global poker ambassador."

According to the press release, Scotty will do regular vlogs and strategy articles for Expekt and presumably play a little poker too. Watch his introductory video below or read more about it here.

Now this begs the question, who is the biggest name left in poker without a sponsorship? Is it one of the online superstars like Durrrr or Phil Galfond? An old-schooler like Johnny Chan? Former Main Event winner Jamie Gold? Thoughts?

Watch Scotty Nguyen Signs with
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WPT Championship: Handicapping The Final Table

Wpt-logo The WPT Championship final table is set.

Yevgeniy Timoshenko. Early on Day 2 of the event, we asked the WPT team if Yevgeniy Timoshenko, a woman, was a chick, because of this picture. Later we did a post on him. Come to find out the dude is SOLID. Most think he's the real deal. Plus, he's got the Russian thing going for him. After Slumdog Millionaire, Vivek Rajkumar's run, and Anoop Desai's early front-runner status on American Idol, we thought it was the Year of the IndianTM. But then Anoop flamed out, killing that theory. In poker, it's clearly the Year of the RussianTM, even if said Russian actually lives in Seattle. Whatever. Timoshenko is big stacked at 13,300,000. He's got the mojo. We've got him listed at 1:1.

Christian Harder. Who? What? Harder is second overall in chips with 7,425,000. He's played solid all week. Third place feels right. 6:1 odds.

ElkY Grospellier. ElkY could grab WPT Player of the Year honors with a fourth place finish, which we think he'll do, because he'll finish second. No non-Russian is hotter in poker right now. EklY is currently third overall with 5,955,000. Odds of winning: 3:1.

Scotty Nguyen. Nobody has more primetime poker experience at this final table than Nguyen. He's played great poker all week. He's been focused. It would be no shocker for him to make a run at this title, despite having a ways to go to catch up. A win would actually make Scotty tournament poker's all-time money winner, so there's some extra incentive if he cares about that kind of thing (like a Phil Hellmuth would, for example). Nguyen is fourth overall going into final table play with 3,275,000. Odds of winning: 5:1 just because he's Scotty Nguyen, baby.

Ran Azor: Who? What? Azor is fifth overall with 2,525,000. Odds of winning: 47:1.

Shannon Shorr: The common sentiment among most people upon hearing Shorr, the guy with the hot porn star sounding girl's name, made the final table has been, "Good for Shannon." The dude has been one of poker's most consistent performers and has been doing it the right way (except for this incident): building his bankroll on his own, no backers, still going to school, and just doing his thing. However, Shorr kind of has that "happy to be here" vibe. He's way short, with 1,130,000, although hopefully he'll cling on to a fifth place finish to milk just a little more TV time and maybe nab himself a deal with one of the online poker sites out there. Odds of winning: 10:1.

Final table play starts at 4pm PST.

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WPT Championship: Scotty Nguyen Adds Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Player of The Day To List of Accomplishments

A total of 32 poker titles. Five WSOP bracelets. One WPT title. One $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. title. One WSOP Main Event title. And now, finally, Scotty Nguyen can add a Blue Diamond Almonds Bold Player of the Day to his long list of accomplishments.

With just 10 remaining, Nguyen holds the chip lead at the WPT Championship, stacked at 5,880,000. If Nguyen wins this tourney, he'll end up just a few hundred grand behind Jamie Gold as the all-time poker tournament money winner.

Nguyen is followed by Yevgeniy Timoshenko, a woman, with 5,105,000.

Also remaining is porn star Shannon Shorr with 3,155,000. Shorr has been one of the most consistent players on the circuit for the past few years, is always near the top of various Player of the Year standings, yet receives practically no pub. A WPT TV final table appearance at this championship would definitely change that...if people still watched the WPT on TV.

We keed. We keed.

Also still alive is ElkY Grospellier with 1,965,000. We get it ElkY, you're good. Enough already. Leave some tournament money for everyone else.

Full chip counts here.

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Scotty Nguyen to Win $4M at 2009 WSOP or Quit Poker

Just found this in our archives from 2007. See if you can spot the two things that stood out to us in this pic.

Maybe he's drinking again or maybe he's just feeling it because he's Scotty Nguyen, baby, but in the below video, the Prince of Poker (<--seriously how did he get that nickname?) claims that if he does not win $4 million during the 2009 WSOP, he's going to quit poker.

We're not math majors, but basically that means Scotty needs to win the $50k H.O.R.S.E. again plus the new $40k NLH event, or finish first or second in the Main Event. Ok.

In related news, this.

Scotty Nguyen Quitting Poker? from PokerListings TV

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Scotty Nguyen Explains His Behavior at the $50k H.O.R.S.E. Final Table

As Scotty Nguyen explains off his drunken behavior at the 2008 WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. final table, love seeing the beer bottle pop up at 1:05 in...

Watch Scotty Nguyen Addresses His Table Image at the $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. on
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Scotty Nguyen Just Ruined His Reputation - UPDATE

Scotty Nguyen proved to be a drunk jackass during the WSOP HORSE EventAfter the 2008 WSOP $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. final table, we heard from a few prominent pros that it was going to be nearly impossible for ESPN to edit this one and make eventual champ Scotty Nguyen look good.

The stream of mf bombs and insults coming out of Nguyen's mouth would've gotten almost any other player a penalty of some sort, but not the Prince of Poker.

By now most people should be over the illusion of poker players as role models. But ESPN and the WPT has done a good job over the years of glossing over the seedier stuff in the industry, and Nguyen was easily one of the biggest benefactors of this treatment.

However, he just flushed all that good will down the toilet.

From his complete disrespect for other players, belligerent drunkenness, attempts at collusion with Erick Lindgren (who obviously wanted no part of it and was distancing himself from/standing up to Scotty throughout the night), and desecrating the memory of Chip Reese (who the night was kind of dedicated to), Scotty will likely never be looked at the same again.

Or Layne Flack, who looked like a big douche too.

Watch a highlight clip of his best moments below.


UPDATE: Scotty Nguyen has issued an apology, sort of. Read it here.

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The Year of the Pro(TM) Reclaims Official 2008 WSOP Moniker Race

Year of the Pro is reclaimed with Scotty Nguyen's H.O.R.S.E. win

Scotty Nguyen keeps the Year of the ProTM alive at the 2008 WSOP.

With Scotty Nguyen's victory in the $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. event and some strong showings by other pros this weekend, The Year of the ProTM has reclaimed its lead as official moniker of the 2008 WSOP.

After Nguyen's win, The Year of the ProTM now has 147 points, catapulting it over Jacobo Fernadez's Own Personal Playground (130 points). Also still in contention are Good for Poker (121) and The Year of the Random Guy We've Never Heard Of (98).

To everyone's disappointment, David "The Dragon" Pham* has not dominated the bracelet count, denying us the opportunity to dub this The Year of the Dragon**.

* Not a real dragon.
** Not a real year of the dragon.

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Scotty Nguyen Wins $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. Event; The Year of The Pro(TM) Off Life Support

Scotty Nguyen captures $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. title.In what all "pros" as well as "years" at the 2008 WSOP considered a "must-win" situation, Scotty Nguyen, a pro, won the $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. event early this morning, giving The Year of The ProTM what could best be described as a "serious shot in the arm" for official moniker of this year's World Series.

Fortunately for the pros, the deck was stacked in their favor going into the event. From our pick to win it, Huck Seed, to Barry Greenstein (who counts twice) and Erick Lindgren, the odds were in favor of a pro pulling this one out.

In the end it was Nguyen, baby. The title gave Scotty $1,989,120, his fifth WSOP bracelet, and poker journalists everywhere a chance to make plays on the words "Win" and "Nguyen" in their tournament recap headlines.

Nguyen defeated Mike DeMichele ($1,243,200) for the championship. Erick Lindgren finished third ($781,440). Get full payouts here.

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2008 WSOP Update: Erick Lindgren Leads $50k H.O.R.S.E. Final Table; Ryan Hughes Wins Second Bracelet

J.C. Tran will make yet another run at his first WSOP bracelet today

Right now, we'd say it's a coin flip as to whether the 2008 WSOP will end up earning it's The Year of the ProTM moniker that we trademarked when all is said and done.

Some of this argument simply hinges on this: when exactly do you qualify as a "pro?" We're certainly not willing to play the role of God and make that assessment for people. But then again, how else will we know for sure? It's so daunting.

:: Event #47 ($1,500 Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo) - Case in point. Ryan Hughes, who won a Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo event last year, took down this one, earning his second WSOP bracelet. Even though only 7 people in the poker world have heard of Hughes before and only 3 would recognize him walking down the street, Hughes is a pro, right? We say an emphatic "yes" to that question, btw. For the win, Hughes banks $183,368. Get full results here.

:: Event #45 ($50,000 H.O.R.S.E.) - Here's a chance for the pros to put a stake in the ground and say, "Dammit, this is the year of us!" Full Tilt Poker pro Erick Lindgren will bring the chip lead to the final table, stacked at 3,680,000. A win here would all but cement Lindgren as the 2008 WSOP POY. The same could be said for the man in third, Barry Greenstein, who is stacked at 1,955,000. Scotty Nguyen is second overall with 3,535,000. And our perennial pick to win it, Huck Seed, is sixth overall with 1,200,000. Get full final table chip counts here.

:: Event #48 ($2,000 No Limit Hold'em) - Lots of collective WSOP cashes in this group but no one that you'd really look at and say, "Yeah, he's a pro." Get final table chip counts here.

:: Event #49 ($1,500 No Limit Hold'em) - This one had 2,718 entrants, playing down to 215 early this morning. First place pays $631,053. A surprising number of big named pros remain, although chip leader Micah Raskin (175,000), is not one of them. However, some big named big stacks do include Young Phan (128,000), Greg "FBT" Mueller (120,000), the spectacularly-breasted J.C. Tran (above, 93,000), and David "The Dragon" Pham* (90,000). Get a more complete list of chip counts here.

Get J.C.'s full photo after the jump and check out the entire spread here.

* Not a real dragon.

Continue reading "2008 WSOP Update: Erick Lindgren Leads $50k H.O.R.S.E. Final Table; Ryan Hughes Wins Second Bracelet" »

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The Wicked Chops Poker Awards

In our Bluff Magazine article this month, we introduced what we think is possibly our first ever Wicked Chops Poker Awards.

Below are those awards. However, we're expanding this list. For real. For the remainder of the week. So check back tomorrow and Friday. Cause this shit is prestigious.

Denise Milani has HUGE personalityToday's awards are presented by Denise Milani (at right, more here).

Best Poker Player While Drinking Alcohol Award: Scotty Nguyen. Many poker players claim they play better while drunk. But poker isn’t like driving or having sex. For the most part, alcohol impairs your poker judgment and performance, or it at least turns you into a first class a-hole (Exhibit A: Men the Master Nguyen vs. Erick Lindgren WPT World Poker Open this past January). However, Scotty Nguyen defies all logic here. He’s insanely entertaining, makes saying “baby” incredibly cool, and plays some vicious poker while downing longneck after longneck. The dude even pulls off a Jerry Curl mullet. And he’s got a wife that’s not bad on the eyes. See, drinking does really make you more attractive to the opposite sex. That’s an important life lesson there for all of our female readers.

Best Impersonation of Al Krux Award: Jason Lester. Seriously, is there any difference between these two guys? Can any one tell them apart? If Al Krux busts out during Level 1 of a tournament, does he go back up to the cage and re-buy claiming he’s Jason Lester? No one would even question this, right?
UPDATE: Since publishing this one, the same rules apply to Lee Markholt and Lee Watkinson.

Best Poker Nickname: Darrell “Deep” Dicken. OK, so maybe we’re the only ones who call him by this nickname. But seriously, try saying Darrell “Deep” Dicken without laughing. Speaking of deep dicken, here's that link to Denise Milani again.

Best Female Poker Player: Tie. Whoa boy. That’s a funny one. Best female poker player. That’s grand. Pretty sure they’re all tied for last on this one.

Continue reading "The Wicked Chops Poker Awards" »

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Scotty Nguyen Makes Scotty Nguyen Poker Challenge Final Table

Scottynguyen1For some reason, 124 poker players traveled to Tulsa, OK [to play the Scotty Nguyen $5k Poker Challenge].

Final table play began today at noon Tulsa time. Among the remaining nine included, just this, Scotty Nguyen! The very same Scotty Nguyen whose tournament this is. OMG!!! LOL!!! :P

Nguyen wanted to have the final table play through the night, as he had to catch a flight to Macau for another poker event. Instead, play start time was moved from 3pm to noon.

And Scotty must've really wanted to catch that flight, as he was recently eliminated in 8th place. Bill Edler was eliminated shortly before him in ninth.

As of post-time, seven remain with Ray Henson as the chip leader, stacked at 622,000. He's trailed by T.J. Cloutier (519,000) and Gavin Smith (208,000).

Get full chip counts and live blogging from Poker Pages here.

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Scotty Nguyen Had a Wild 47 Minutes

Scottynguyen1Andrew Feldman of ESPN Poker Club fame has an excellent article today on Scotty Nguyen's final hour in the 2007 WSOP Main Event.

Early Monday morning, Nguyen took the chip lead, stacked over 17M. By 1:11am, Nguyen was eliminated in 11th place, done in by consecutive sets, greatly diminishing the overall appeal of the final table.

Nguyen was clearly the crowd favorite, telling them afterwards:

"But the most important thing is I want to thank the fans. Without you guys, we wouldn't have Scotty Nguyen. We're disappointed, but let me tell you, you guys gave me all I need."

Read the full article here.

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Another Pro Goes Down

One of the most respected no limit cash game players in the world and man who claimed Carmel Petresco for arm-candy, Daniel Alaei has just busted from the 2007 WSOP Main Event.

Alaei was eliminated in 25th place, banking $333,490.

This leaves three big name pros: Bill Edler, Lee Watkinson, and Scotty Nguyen, as well as Kenny Tran (5th place finisher in this year's $50,000 H.O.R.S.E. event).

FIVE MINUTES LATER UPDATE: Bill Edler busted in 23rd place.

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Girls on the Rail at 2008 WSOP


    Our photog at the 2008 WSOP is having a hard time focusing his lens on the pros at the table. We like him for that. Check out girls on the rail here.

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