Since Chops and Addict have been strung-out and hung-up the past two days, let's just combine our collective efforts into one big TOKE.
:: Daniel Negreanu touches 4 million of you. For some reason, a press release was, um, released, touting that Daniel Negreanu's syndicated newspaper column now reaches 4 million readers...which is
um...roughly .01% of the American population. So in other words, it's in like two city's newspapers. But hey, that's two more than us. Emediawire
:: After hearing this, what's next? Twiggy announcing she's launching a poker site? What do you get when you take the most downloaded woman on the Internet and one of the best female poker players in the world and create a Web site? Sorry, we too were hoping for a new NSFW site, but end up with another online poker gaming site (which we suppose technically is a NSFW site). So who are the women? Well, one of the "poker babes" had her pics downloaded off the Internet over 700,000 times in 2005 (350,000 of them were by BlackSpy, so the figure is skewed a bit)--and the other cashed over $700,000 in (tournament) purses last year. So who are we talking about? Drumroll...Cindy Margolis and Cyndy Violette. That's right, the odd pairing will join together to bring us While Wicked Chops Poker is not a big Cindy Margolis fan (let's just say she's no Carmen Electra), we'll admit that between this, playing homegames, and being an Internet host for WPT's, she's starting to climb the latter. POKERNEWS.COM
:: Creative, arty types who wear Moby-esque eyeglasses can now play poker at Full Tilt! Mac users tired of borrowing your nerdy neighbors PC to play online poker or considering to download the special software for your Mac to run PC compatible programs your prayers have been answered. Full Tilt Poker just announced that they are launching Full Tilt Poker for the Mac in late January/early February, 2006. Full Tilt reps say "Unlike some other sites who offer clunky "Apple-compatible" Java programs, ours is the first native down-loadable software designed specifically for the Mac by some of the world's best poker pros". FULLTILTPOKER.COM
:: Can't live with 'em, can't bluff 'em. The Times Online reports that a third of people playing poker now are women. This is both good and bad news. While there are a few crazy bitches out there, the vast majority of women are (in some cases surprisingly) solid players...and surprisingly attractive. So as long as our wives aren't included in that 1/3, this is not something we have a problem with. Times Online
:: Avoid "Everybody Loves Brad" joke here...avoid it. has announced that Brad "I'm urinating right now" Garrett will MC Card Player's Player of the Year Awards, February 15, at Hollywood's Music Box Theatre. Bodog Beat