UltimateBet Cheating Scandal

Layne Flack Talks About the Russ Hamilton Ambush Video


Meant to post this last week but sometime a little thing called a weekend meth bender "life" gets in the way.

Layne Flack was a guest on Gary Wise's Rounders Radio podcast where he spoke on the Russ Hamilton ambush video for the first time.

About halfway through the interview, Gary describes how RawVegas.tv "very rudely" intruded on Layne and Russ' "private time" (because, you know, allegedly stealing at least $6 million from your friends and then going AWOL isn't even remotely rude). Layne says that when he saw the cameras, he "knew that wasn't a spot for me to be in."

Layne also said that he knows "for a fact that Russ Hamilton's lawyer said 'don't say a word.'"

Now the one thing we always felt Layne was unfairly skewered for in that video was that he may have just been golfing with Russ because he's a gambler and saw an edge he could exploit. Makes sense. Pretty common. Layne says that that's a "fair" assessment of why he was with Russ that day. Not that we were expecting him to say something else though.

But then Layne completely discredits himself by saying, "If [Russ] took all of this money...how can one man do this without being caught?" to which Gary said, "That totally makes sense."

Yeah, kind of hard to believe how Russ could get away with something like that with a company that he started and was integral in developing the software for...inconceivable.

Listen to the full interview here.

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Mike Matusow Has A Wish For Russ Hamilton

Hey, while we're talking about Russ Hamilton, (not surprisingly) Mike Matusow had some things to say. Matusow is kind of like a (degenerate gambling version of) fine wine...the dude is getting better (and more entertaining) with age.

(    )

Watch Mike Matusow Is Very Angry at Russ Hamilton on RawVegas.tv
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Phil Hellmuth Speaks on the UltimateBet Scandal

Let's kick off the first of our NBC National Heads Up Poker Championship red carpet coverage with Phil Hellmuth. We weren't planning on "going there" regarding asking about Russ Hamilton and the UltimateBet cheating scandal, but after mentioning golfing with Layne Flack for a Golf Magazine story, well, it kind of opened the door...

Watch Phil Hellmuth on the Russ Hamilton Ultimate Bet Scandal on RawVegas.tv
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Joe Navarro Breaks Down Russ Hamilton Video

We had former FBI agent and current WSOP Academy instructor Joe Navarro take a look at the Russ Hamilton video footage from last week. Navarro is an expert in analyzing non-verbal communication, which is perfect since Russ didn't utter a fucking word.

Some interesting points, though the one that really sticks out is this: if Hamilton's golfing buddies (particularly Layne Flack) really thought he was innocent of cheating his friends and other people out of millions of dollars on UltimateBet, would they have dodged out of the camera's view as fast as they humanly possibly could?

Watch Joe Navarro on Russ Hamilton Video on RawVegas.tv
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Russ Hamilton Exclusive Video - The Fallout

Some interesting feedback and fallout from various forums and blogs on the exclusive Russ Hamilton video footage posted yesterday:

:: Layne Flack is taking his lumps, getting about as much venom as Russ is. Great post on Pocket 5's detailing some of Russ and Layne's ties (remember, Layne was once a UB sponsored player). [link]

:: Whoever signed up a "Russ Hamilton" account on 2+2 and posted on this thread, way to bring the funny.  [link]

:: You know the Neverwin Poker Forum will do a good job capturing the general ID and rage most in the online poker community feel towards Russ. [link]

:: Just really like the "GoHabsGo" pic on Full Contact Poker. Oh yeah, for those asking, Daniel didn't provide the "tip" that Russ was golfing that day. Info came the old-fashioned way: some good sleuthing. [link]

:: Some awesome commentary over at Pokerati. Wish we had 10% as much interest in continuing commentary on stories as they do. Nice work. [link]

:: And for the 1% of people out there that don't view getting the one and only individual specifically implicated in the biggest online poker cheating scandal in history on camera for the first time since he was singularly named in the KGC report as newsworthy, there's always the Poker Road forum. [link]

We're working on a pretty amazing follow-up to this video that we hope to have completed by the first of next week. Stay tuned...

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Super-User Russ Hamilton Not So Super at Answering Questions (EXCLUSIVE VIDEO)

Below is exclusive footage of "alleged" UltimateBet super-user Russ Hamilton after completing a round of golf at a course he frequents (second to last paragraph) yesterday in Las Vegas.

One thing from this video is very clear: Russ Hamilton absolutely does not want to discuss his alleged involvement in the UltimateBet super-user cheating scandal.

Like, not even a word. And if you're innocent, even if your lawyers tell you not to talk, really, don't you just have to talk? How do you not?

Hamilton (wearing his clubUBT.com visor) teed off yesterday around 12:30pm with his playing partner Layne Flack and two other men. After completing his round right before 5pm, the foursome decided to drive their carts back out to the first hole for a little more golf action. They went inside after that to presumably have a drink and settle their bets, and walked out of the clubhouse with our camera crew waiting.

Special side note, notice how quickly Layne Flack bails out of the camera's view.

Watch RUSS HAMILTON UltimateBet Super-User Cheating Scandal (Exclusive Video) on RawVegas.tv
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