Wasn't Layne Flack in Rehab?
We're not 100% on this, but we're pretty sure Layne Flack did a stint in rehab. Seems like that worked out pretty good for him.
PokerListings.com posted a great video from the WPT Invitational Saturday night. We really didn't feel like "going there" in our first write-up, but why not now: basically everyone at the event was super cool. It was a lot of fun. The WPT, Matt Savage, and the Commerce Casino did a great job putting it all together.
All the celebs and pros were in good spirits. However there were all two people that were acting like complete douchebags in the event: Layne Flack and the guy with the big forehead in the background of this video.
Anyway Layne, before you declare your love for Trishelle Cannatella, make sure you've got about 47 condoms to wrap around your dong and are already taking Valtrex.
Having said that, Trishelle looks way better in person than you'd think. Too bad her vag has been a parking lot for half of the penises in Las Vegas.
Flack douching it up below.